We love to reward businesses and organisations for the special things they do by putting their logo on our website in return for: Becoming a gold or platinum Nurse &/or Physiotherapist Sponsor; Helping us in ways that save us heaps of money; Helping us in ways that bring us heaps of money; Supporting the work we do in other significant ways
Our grateful thanks go to the following:
- Southside Physio who contribute to the wages of MeRO’s physiotherapist and have provided much needed physiotherapy equipment for the Shelter https://www.southsidephysio.com.au
- The Rotary Club of Hall who gave us a 3 year commitment of $7000 a year for three years which funded the wages of one of MeRO’s nurses, contributed to our fistula project and helped cover MeRO’s pharmacy bill. This ended in 2021 https://www.hallrotary.org.au
- Flat Gecko Design who help us with our website https://www.flatgeckodesign.com.au
- Celeste Ann Designs who created our banner and logo http://celesteanndesigns.com