GLOBALGIVING CAMPAIGNS As a permanent member of GlobalGiving we are eligible to participate in any of their four annual fundraising campaigns. We usually participate in July Bonus Day and #GivingTuesday (late November/December) and the greater the giving, the greater the share of the proportion of matching funds we receive.
WOULD YOU LIKE A GIFT VOUCHER? Christmas, birthdays, Valentines Day and weddings are big events – give a gift that gives twice! In return for a donation we can email you a gift certificate in the name of the recipient for any amount or any occasion! Make a donation and email us with the name of the recipient and the message and you will receive your gift certificate within 7 days.
VISITING NEPAL? Go trekking with Adventure Thamserku, the best trekking company in the world! Of course, what trip to Nepal would be complete without a visit to MeRO!